Breast cancer as a young woman and mother.

How to deal with the fear of breast cancer recurrence.

The fear of breast cancer recurrence is something that everyone who has had the disease impact their life must face. No matter the type, stage, grade or your individual circumstances unfortunately there is never a 0% chance of it coming back. So until our tirelessly working scientists find the holy grail, a true cure, the fear of the cancer coming back is a very profound issue.

Regardless of where we are in our journey, the fear of breast cancer recurrence is there. Although from my own experience I can attest to the fact that it does get easier as time goes on, I also know that it has a nasty habit of sticking. So while it won’t cripple you with fear every day for the rest of your life, it absolutely will pounce from out of the shadows once in a while and scare the life out of you.

For some, the fear of breast cancer recurrence can be debilitating and affect their daily lives. Many breast cancer survivors suffer with some level of (PTSD) after treatment. This is particularly so for people that went through chemotherapy, or had very advanced or aggressive tumours. It can be triggered by follow up scans (such as mammograms and MRI’s), blood tests, appointments with oncologists and aches and pains in your body. Even returning to a hospital where you were treated can awaken the beast in your mind. 

If you’re here reading this, I’m guessing you can relate. 

If so, it is important that you acknowledge it, take control and learn to live with it as best you can. I am now just over 4 years out from my breast cancer diagnosis. I had triple negative cancer, which has the highest recurrence rates and for which there are no targeted treatments available.

 My tumour was large, and at the time of my diagnosis everything seemed very bleak. I was devastated by the thought that I would never again live without that all consuming fear. But as time has gone on I have learned to live alongside it. I have gone on to have another baby, start a new career, and move across the country for a fresh start. I can identify my triggers and apply coping mechanisms when it becomes too much.

Now I want to share these insights with those of you who are perhaps at the start of your journey, or are struggling to cope with the spectre of recurrence afterwards. 


One of the biggest “lightbulb over the head” moments for me was when I finally accepted that fearing recurrence is completely and utterly normal. I have never yet met anyone who has had primary breast cancer who has not felt it. These people are the unicorns of the breast cancer world, I’m not even sure they exist!

You are not failing, crazy, dwelling or coping badly. All lies that my confused mind tried to tell me. The fear you feel is very real and for good reason. You’ve been to a place no one wants to go, you’ve fought for your life and dealt with crippling blows along the way. Of course you can’t just forget about it afterwards, you’re traumatized. 

Louder for the people at the back…how you are feeling is NORMAL!! We must learn not to fight it but to live alongside it as peacefully as possible. 


It’s so important to remember that NONE of those scary statistics that you are obsessively reading online apply to you directly. You could have a 90% chance of recurrence according to Dr. Google, but still be in the 10% that doesn’t have one.

If you are someone that likes to have numbers, ask your own oncologist directly. They are in a better position to answer your question with more accuracy as they know your unique set of circumstances. Even then keep in mind that they are not fortune tellers, and are just delivering an educated guess.


One of the best things I have gained from having breast cancer is a powerful connection to an amazing group of women. The breast cancer sisterhood is a beautiful and warm tribe. It’s an exclusive group. The bonds you make are built on a shared experience that only those in it can truly understand.

Unfortunately, along with these beautiful friendships comes an inevitable amount of loss. After all, this is cancer we are dealing with. There will be people who have terrible experiences through treatment, people who have recurrences and people who die. It is an intense and painful truth that can be immensely triggering.

So, when I start to feel that dark cloud of fear descending, I duck out of these groups until I am feeling stronger again. I have become conscious of the fact that when I start obsessively checking my breasts and neck for lumps, or poking at my ribs looking for tender spots, it’s time for a break.

There is no need to feel guilty for doing this. You will go back to them when/if you can and be in a better place mentally to contribute to the group.

Remind yourself that only your situation is your truth. No one’s story is yours but your own.


This is something that tends to come hand in hand with survivorship anyway. The knowledge that life is too short to sweat the small stuff. But we are still only human, and as life goes on we are faced with all of the usual stresses to negotiate that everyone else is. It would be unrealistic to expect otherwise.

Still it is wise to avoid stress whenever you can, and learn the coping mechanisms that work for you. Activating the stress centre of your mind can land you straight back into the depths of fear of recurrence. You started off anxious about a job interview, but are suddenly anxious about your cancer coming back too. Because that is where the fear lives, in the anxious part of your brain. 

So, when you start to feel stressed about something, pause, take a step back from the situation and figure out what you can do to reduce it. Ask yourself if it is really worth stressing over at all. Does worrying about it change the outcome in anyway? It’s all about self awareness, applying the brakes and changing your mindset.

For me a walk in nature, sitting down to write and spending time with my family are what ground me. With these things in my arsenal I can usually come back to a situation with a clear head and deal with it pragmatically before it has escalated in my mind.

I also practice mindfulness and “radical acceptance” to help cope with the fear of breast cancer recurrence.


This can be so hard to do, especially at first. It is tempting to almost expect that your cancer is going to come back so that if it does, it won’t be as devastating. For a long time I lived for the moment and refused to look too far ahead.

But, will anticipating it’s return really make it any less awful if it does? I don’t think so. All that staying in that head space does is rob you of truly enjoying your life. It stops you hoping for all of the things that you did before, and hasn’t it already taken enough from you?

So have the courage to buy the house, apply for the job, change your career, book the holiday, have the baby. Start focusing on and making plans for your happy future again. It will naturally lead to removing your focus off of the cancer and on to something positive.


It is common to keep your anxieties to yourself. To want to protect your loved ones from your feelings and not burden or worry them. It can even feel uncomfortable to bring it up after a while, but those who were with you on your journey will completely understand. Anyone who doesn’t is probably not worth your time, as harsh as that might sound.

Internalizing those feelings can lead to them growing out of all proportion. It is a lot to be carrying on your shoulders alone. Talk to your family and friends. Let them share the load and bring some perspective to the situation.

If you can’t reach out to loved ones for any reason, ask your oncologist or breast cancer nurse for a referral to a therapist. A good medical team will value your mental health as much as your physical health, especially when fighting cancer. They will have access to psychotherapists who specialize in dealing with the nuances of cancer and survivorship.

“May your choices reflect your hopes, not your fears”

Nelson Mandela. 

I hope that you have found this guide valuable to your journey going forwards. Go forth with confidence. Be happy and LIVE. You did not fight the beast that is cancer only to live cowering in it’s shadow. 

With love and best wishes, Gemma (Mumming After Cancer.) 

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2 thoughts on “How to deal with the fear of breast cancer recurrence.”

  1. Thank you, Gemma, for sharing your experience and your advice. I’m still early in my journey, but already struggling with this.

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